Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Very Long Day

It turned out to be a very long day at work today, these 12 hour days are killers. Just joined a new team, and trying to keep up without sounding totally stupid when I ask questions is very hard when I am tired. Hopefully if we can keep up with the work load I can have this weekend off to sew, really need to get some more pictures taken to load into my supply shop, or we won't be making very many sales in there shortly. Tuesdays do seem to be the day for that shop, made another fabric sale there today, just enough to keep my spirits up, but not enough to pay the bills yet :)


  1. Just keep plugging away, sales will come! Welcome to the team!

  2. trala!!! :D :D plug plug! Good job Gabby!! and I love your needlework!!

  3. new follower from promofrenzyteam...nice to meet you

  4. You will get it all together... your shop is beautiful and you will benefit from the work you put into it. Know all about those 12 hour days.

  5. It takes time but you will see benefits from the promotion. Nice to have you on the team and I am now following you!

  6. Welcome to the promo Frenzy Team. Don't be shy and ask questions we are here to help :)

  7. Welcome to the team ... it's a pleasure to have you join us!

    Jill Q = jQjewelrydesigns

  8. Glad you joined our team! Don't hesitate to ask for help, there are so many helpful members willing to lend a hand. Take things one day at a time, it will all come together!

  9. I'm new to the team too, and I love it. Keep your chin up. :)

  10. hi! I´m kind of new too! I started 2 1/2 weeks ago ^^ sure you will feel very well in the team :) it´s a wonderful team!

    Kandy : KndyDisenos

  11. You're doing great! Patience and perseverance and PFT!

  12. We are glad you joined us ;) I just finished working 12 hour days with an hour long commute on each end. It was definitely draining and took a toll on my shop. So I understand. We will all help you though :))

  13. uniquecozytreasures- Welcome to the team. We are here to help.

  14. Welcome, we'll send the Sales fairy your way!
