Friday, March 16, 2012

I Received the Liebster Blog Award

I received this award from Dana @http://cereusart.comThank you very much Dana !

The rules are that the winners have to pay it forward to other blogs that are worth the recognition. If they accept the award, they should: thank the person who nominated them and link to their site; nominate five other blogs with fewer than 200 followers, and copy/paste the Liebster Blog Icon into their post.

I am awarding it to these five blogs;

Barb @
Wendi @
Traci @
Patty @
Heidi @

These guys are well worth a visit to :)


  1. Thank you so much for nominating my new blog!! <3

  2. Liebster Blog Icon?? I wish I knew more about this blogging and how to go about it. I'm honored that you nominated me though. Thank you so much.

  3. I twitter tweeted this blog and liked you on facebook Gabby.

  4. Thanks for the nomination for Mountain Quiltworks' blog.
