Monday, April 2, 2012

Craft Fair News

Well we survived our first craft fair in 20 years.  It hasn't changed much, so I am not sure what I was soo worried about. It is still a touch and go proposition, this one didn't go bad, I think the problem stemmed from the fact that the weather man said the dreaded four letter word SNOW, so unfortunately not very many people showed up to peruse the craft offerings. I made back my entrance fee, gave out some of my business cards and made some new acquaintances, so not too bad.

My next one is April 14th, hopefully the weather will cooperate and we will have a better read on weather this will work to get my name out there or what. I did get a inquiry on a special order for a twin size quilt, but she really didn't seem to know what exactly she wanted so I gave her a card and hopefully she will be in touch when the time is right for her. There were other quilt vendors there, so it is a possibility she was price comparing to see what price she was going to be looking at for this size quilt.


  1. Gabby... I love craft fairs but they are only done here at Christmas time... did 7 this year in 5 weeks... loved every minute of it. Takes time to find the ones worth attending. Good luck with next one!

  2. I wish there was a craft show around here!

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