Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2012 Tasks for Business

Well, we can cross another to do off the list for 2012, I signed up for my first of many craft fairs that I want to do this year. It is not going to be easy to fit them in between my husbands busy work schedule, but if I don't, I run the risk of not getting my name out there and no business.

He was able to give me the last three days off, so I put them to good use, I have a good stock of items in which to set up a pretty decent display of items, and hopefully a good enough mix to be able to attract some perspective buyers.

I also was able to finally get the graphics in my front window, after observing for the last three days the volume  of people who think my house is a actual Quilt Shop, I wish. The city unfortunately would frown deeply on that, seeing as I live in a residential area with business down the end of the street but none directly on it :) We had lettering made up to announce that I do online sales only. Free local delivery,in case anybody wants to order in the immediate area, and my addition, Like me on Facebook. I was figuring with that last addition that it would be a good way of collecting people that I can keep updated on what craft fair I will be vending at or any new product that I am in the process of doing that can be bought or customized before it is listed.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Well, I took the leap tonight, after lurking to observe how things were done, I leaped in and joined the Promotional Frenzy BNR tonight. As of when I am writing this, my item is still sitting there waiting to have somebody visit my shop, but I guess these things take time. One of these days I am going to have to get over the teaching that unless you have something important to say don't say anything at all, and open my mouth and participate more. I seriously think this has got a little something to do with this stupid shop not doing any business, but then again the supply shop is holding it's own, and I don't open my mouth in any of the team forums for that shop. Who knows :\
The contest for my facebook page is going well, somebody is definately going to win that spring banner I have posted as a prize. When I last checked I had 304 likes, it gained 59 likes in 2 days, unfortunately the AD i tried to run with the $50 dollars I won never panned out, it apparently was not approved so we will have to go back to the drawing board and see what I did wrong. The good thing with the additional likes is that I have won a additional $100 of Ad money, so now I have $150 to work with. Now I am in the running for additional money to be handed out in a drawing after April 1st.
I also won a facebook prize from Dorene @ DLitesbyDorene on Etsy  for liking her page, so a GREAT big thank you to her for that.
Check out her shop here, she has the most gorgeous candles and tealight you could ever ask for. http://www.etsy.com/shop/DLitesbyDorene

If interested in entering the giveaway for the banner, you can visit my business page by clicking the link on the right :)