Tuesday, February 14, 2012

2012 Tasks for Business

Well, we can cross another to do off the list for 2012, I signed up for my first of many craft fairs that I want to do this year. It is not going to be easy to fit them in between my husbands busy work schedule, but if I don't, I run the risk of not getting my name out there and no business.

He was able to give me the last three days off, so I put them to good use, I have a good stock of items in which to set up a pretty decent display of items, and hopefully a good enough mix to be able to attract some perspective buyers.

I also was able to finally get the graphics in my front window, after observing for the last three days the volume  of people who think my house is a actual Quilt Shop, I wish. The city unfortunately would frown deeply on that, seeing as I live in a residential area with business down the end of the street but none directly on it :) We had lettering made up to announce that I do online sales only. Free local delivery,in case anybody wants to order in the immediate area, and my addition, Like me on Facebook. I was figuring with that last addition that it would be a good way of collecting people that I can keep updated on what craft fair I will be vending at or any new product that I am in the process of doing that can be bought or customized before it is listed.


  1. you are off to a wonderful start, I wish you lots of luck on your craft fair. I'm sure you will do great!

  2. Go Gabby!!!!! We all stumble along together, pursuing our dream!

  3. Good luck in the craft fair!! It´s a great way to promote your shop and your creations, as well as contact with people is very valuable too :)

  4. Good luck Gabby... I need to find a way to let my local customers know what craft shows I am at too.

  5. Wow that sounds like fun!!
    And I like the lettering idea. I was thinking of doing that for my CAR to put my website on the window, this way, I am 'advertising' when I go shopping or drive around town

    1. Just make sure you are a really good driver, or it could be bad publicity ROFL !

  6. Good luck on your show...they can be pretty beneficial in getting your brand recognized...Sometimes so much easier to sell your product when you can make a connection with the buyer.

  7. too bad you can't have a quilt shop at home : ( Good luck with everything though!

  8. I am trying to sign up for shows too. It is a bit confusing.

    1. Just make sure you find out what each one requires. The one I am doing in March only allow one vendor for each craft, so it pays to apply early.

  9. I'd be interested in hearing what goes on at a crafts fair. Good luck to you! :)
