Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Well, I took the leap tonight, after lurking to observe how things were done, I leaped in and joined the Promotional Frenzy BNR tonight. As of when I am writing this, my item is still sitting there waiting to have somebody visit my shop, but I guess these things take time. One of these days I am going to have to get over the teaching that unless you have something important to say don't say anything at all, and open my mouth and participate more. I seriously think this has got a little something to do with this stupid shop not doing any business, but then again the supply shop is holding it's own, and I don't open my mouth in any of the team forums for that shop. Who knows :\
The contest for my facebook page is going well, somebody is definately going to win that spring banner I have posted as a prize. When I last checked I had 304 likes, it gained 59 likes in 2 days, unfortunately the AD i tried to run with the $50 dollars I won never panned out, it apparently was not approved so we will have to go back to the drawing board and see what I did wrong. The good thing with the additional likes is that I have won a additional $100 of Ad money, so now I have $150 to work with. Now I am in the running for additional money to be handed out in a drawing after April 1st.
I also won a facebook prize from Dorene @ DLitesbyDorene on Etsy  for liking her page, so a GREAT big thank you to her for that.
Check out her shop here, she has the most gorgeous candles and tealight you could ever ask for. http://www.etsy.com/shop/DLitesbyDorene

If interested in entering the giveaway for the banner, you can visit my business page by clicking the link on the right :)


  1. Wow, I certainly have learned a lot from reading this post. I've been reluctant to do any of the things you talk about. Have to add them to my to-do list!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Ruth,
    Sometimes you have to just take that giant leap of faith! Congrats!

  3. Congrats on gaining 100 new FB fans and I hope your second time around will be even more successful! I just got accepted into that FB ad program too and am excited to give it a try myself!

  4. Ruth, we all have to start somewhere, and we all did! I have fun in BNRs and my items don't sell all the time either! Just depends on what people want that day!

  5. You're right. We can't just sit back and wait for the world to beat a path to our doors. It takes being pro-active in a variety of ways.

    So...don't be shy. Participate and enjoy.

  6. Hey there, I am known as the BNRholic! lol. LOVE BNRs. And yes, you do need to participate and talk talk talk. Which does not come easy for me either, but I try.

    Glad your Facebook efforts are paying off. 59 new likes is pretty impressive. I have had the hardest time getting new likes on FB.

    1. I am in some teams on Etsy for facebook, but the one thing I highly recommend, do a giveway. I went from 195 to 330 right now, and the giveaway runs for another week :)

  7. Sorry your shop is not taking off but your work is gorgeous!

    You will find the right niche yet! Keep positive!!

  8. Just keep plugging away! We're here to help

  9. I know how you feel about your shop not getting enough business. I have had quite a bit of luck since adding some items to my shop but there are VERY low times and high times I wish it could even out some more. Sounds like you are doing great at getting your shop's name out there though :)

  10. Congrats on your winnings. Keep on keeping on.

  11. Ruth, thank you for the kind words! Keep up the good fight. I was advised a few months ago that online selling (even more so than bricks and mortar selling) is a marathon and not a sprint. You have lovely work, and you can do it!!!!

  12. Keep stepping out of your comfort zone a little, and you will definitely see results.

    lol that sounds like a fortune cookie.

  13. you have written exactly how I feel! some days it just seems so impossible! Thank you for your post! it made me feel much better though :D

  14. uniquecozytreasures - I need to talk the leap too and join the BNR sometime.

  15. Congrats on joining the PFT bnr. They are a lot of fun. I'm not a talker either so I know how you feel about that one!
